Bathroom Installation Service have many 'tried and tested' trustworthy, & qualified bathroom installers who generally (although self-employed) install bathrooms for us almost on a full time basis. Each installer specialises in bathroom installations only, and you are therefore assured that your installation will be completed correctly, and to the appropriate standards & approvals.
Unlike larger retailers, we do not take any payments, commissions, or fees from our installers meaning that the price quoted is not at all inflated and always a competitive price for the work. We rely on good feedback and referrals from customers to ensure that we only use the best bathroom installers in Milton Keynes.

Our Bathroom Installers:
Are all fully qualified to carry out any work that may need to be done
Have been working with us for many years, meaning that we have a great relationship and know that their work is of the highest quality.
Complete all work in a friendly and professional manner with the upmost respect for your home by maintaining tidiness and providing floor/carpet protection throughout the project.
Will be happy to answer any bathroom related questions or concerns you may have.